Pastor Billy Crone - Get a Life Ministries: The Final Countdown Series: 10 Signs you’ Living in the Last Days


This is a long but very valuable series by Billy Crone, Senior Pastor of Sunrise Baptist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada and Get a Life Ministries
The series uses Biblical Scripture to examine recent news footage, cultural media, political commentary, and historical recordings to illustrate how close we truly are to the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” - the times reveal by the books of Daniel, Revelation, and others.
This is a very valuable series and it comes highly recommended - well worth the time invested.
As you can see below, there are more than 10 signs listed. This is because things changed so much during the development of the original series, Pastor Crone felt compelled to go back and expand on the original series.

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Section Name Link
The Jewish People 1 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Jewish People Part 1
The Jewish People 2 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Jewish People Part 2
The Jewish People 3 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Jewish People Part 3
Modern Technology 4 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) Modern Technology Part 1
Modern Technology 5 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) Modern Technology Part 2
Worldwide Upheaval 6 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) Worldwide Upheaval Part 1
Worldwide Upheaval 7 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) Worldwide Upheaval Part 2
Worldwide Upheaval 8 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) Worldwide Upheaval Part 3
The Rise of Falsehood 9 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Falsehood Part 1
The Rise of Falsehood 10 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Falsehood Part 2
The Rise of Falsehood 11 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Falsehood Part 3
The Rise of Falsehood 12 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Falsehood Part 4
The Rise of Falsehood 13 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Falsehood Part 5
The Rise of Falsehood 14 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Falsehood Part 6
What Does the Bible Say About UFO’s? 15 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) What Does the Bible Say About UFO’s?
The Rise of Wickedness 16 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Wickedness Part 1
The Rise of Wickedness 17 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Wickedness Part 2
The Rise of Wickedness 18 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Wickedness Part 3
The Rise of Wickedness 19 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Wickedness Part 4
The Rise of Wickedness 20 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Wickedness Part 5
The Rise of Apostasy 21 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Apostasy Part 1
The Rise of Apostasy 22 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Apostasy Part 2
The Rise of Apostasy 23 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Apostasy Part 3
The Rise of Apostasy 24 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Apostasy Part 4
The Rise of Apostasy 25 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Apostasy Part 5
The Rise of Apostasy 26 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Apostasy Part 6
A One World Religion 27 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Religion Part 1
A One World Religion 28 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Religion Part 2
A One World Religion 29 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Religion Part 3
A One World Religion 30 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Religion Part 4
A One World Religion 31 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Religion Part 5
A One World Religion 32 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Religion Part 6
A One World Government 33 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Government Part 1
A One World Government 34 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Government Part 2
A One World Government 35 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Government Part 3
A One World Government 36 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Government Part 4
A One World Government 37 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Government Part 5
A One World Government 38 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Government Part 6
A One World Economy 39 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Economy Part 1
A One World Economy 40 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Economy Part 2
A One World Economy 41 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Economy Part 3
A One World Economy 42 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Economy Part 4
A One World Economy 43 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Economy Part 5
A One World Economy 44 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Economy Part 6
The Mark of the Beast 45 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Mark of the Beast Part 1
The Mark of the Beast 46 - The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Mark of the Beast Part 2
The Mark of the Beast 47 - The Final Countdown (The Ultimate Version) The Mark of the Beast Part 3
The Mark of the Beast 48 - The Final Countdown (The Ultimate Version) The Mark of the Beast Part 4
The Mark of the Beast 49 - The Final Countdown (The Ultimate Version) The Mark of the Beast Part 5
The Mark of the Beast 50 - The Final Countdown (The Ultimate Version) The Mark of the Beast Part 6
Update - The Jewish People & the Antichrist 51 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Jewish People & the Antichrist
Update - Modern Technology 52 - The Final Countdown (Update) Modern Technology
Update - Worldwide Upheaval 53 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Increase of Wars
Update - Worldwide Upheaval 54 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Increase of Famines & Earthquakes
Update - Worldwide Upheaval 55 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Increase of Pestilence
Update - Worldwide Upheaval 56 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Increase of Signs in the Sky & the on the Earth
Update - The Rise of Falsehood 57 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Increase of False Messiahs
Update - The Rise of Falsehood 58 - The Final Countdown (Update) The False Messages of the Virgin Mary
Update - The Rise of Falsehood 59 - The Final Countdown (Update) UFO's & the Vatican
Update - The Rise of Wickedness 60 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Rise of Wicked Behavior
Update - The Rise of Wickedness 61 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Rise of Wicked Atheism & Human Hybrids
Update - The Rise of Wickedness 62 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Rise of Drugs, Witchcraft, & Satanism
Update - The Rise of Apostasy 63 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Rise of Apostate Pastors & Pulpits
Update - The Rise of Apostasy 64 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Rise of Apostate Media & Music
Update - The Rise of Apostasy 65 - The Final Countdown (Update) The Rise of Apostate Behavior
Update - The Rise of One World Religion 66 - The Final Countdown (Update) One World Religion: Christianity Called a Hate Crime

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