Allison and Jonathan Karate

The Many Chronicles of Jonathan Michael

Jonathan Michael

Enjoy these videos of Jonathan

These videos tell just a portion of Jonathan's journey from
newborn son, toddler, goofy kid, teenager, young man,
husband, and father.

Description Cast of Characters Date Elapsed Time Link
Hi! My name is Jonathan Michael. I’d like to show you several scenes with me playing on a blanket. I have lots of toys and cushy blankets. Jonathan, Carla. 3/21/1987 45:22 1987 01 - Spring - Blanket.m4v
I’m about 4.5 months old now. This is me eating real people food. Hmm, bananas. Jonathan, Carla. 3/21/1987 09:42 1987 02 - Spring - Dinner
Finally! I can get around this place. Jonathan.   03:21 1987 04 - Spring - Walker
Trying to sleep here! What’s with all the light? Jonathan.   00:56 1987 05 - Spring - In My Crib
This is my new swing. Just hanging out. Jonathan.   00:36 1987 06 - Spring - Swinging
This is me and my dad wrestling. Jonathan, Barry.   03:42 1987 07 - Spring - Floor Time
Learning to talk, but this Brutus The Buckeye guy doesn’t seem to understand me. Jonathan.   03:41 1987 08 - Spring - In My Crib 2
Why do they drop so much of my food all over me? Jonathan, Barry.   03:08 1987 09 - Spring - Lunch
Just a few cranks and I’m good to go. Love my swing! Jonathan.   02:30 1987 11 - Spring - Just a Swinging
More wrasslin’! Jonathan, Barry.   05:04 1987 12 - Spring - Floor Time 2
Not much to say here. Not too good yet with the bottle thing. Jonathan.   01:51 1987 13 - Spring - Wee Walker
This is my first home in Oviedo, Florida. I’m trying to eat some grass but nobody will let me. Jonathan, Barry.   03:44 1987 14 - Summer - Grass Eater
I love my oooos! Jonathan, Carla.   03:04 1987 16 - Summer - Ooooss
Welcome to my extensive library! Jonathan.   02:51 1987 17 - Summer - Table Talk
Goofball patrol! Jonathan.   01:47 1987 18 - Summer - Walker
We travelled to Marietta, Georgia to visit my cousins Sherrie & Kenny Seidman & their two kids, Brian & Sarah. Jonathan, Carla, Sherrie, Brian & Sarah Seidman. 6/1987 03:44 1987 19 - Summer - Ken & Sherries
This is cousin, Sarah feeding me some lunch. Jonathan, Sarah Seidman. 6/1987 02:33 1987 21 - Summer - Ken & Sherrie’s - Bottle from Sarah
Brian & Sarah have a pool near their home, and we played there. While I was sunning, a lizard jumped in front of us and scared everyone else. Didn’t scare me though. During all the excitement, I tipped over and scraped my nose. More on that later. Jonathan, Carla. 6/1987 04:27 1987 22 - Summer - Ken & Sherrie’s Swimming
Did I mention my scraped nose? Jonathan. 6/1987 05:13 1987 23 - Summer - Scraped Nose
I wish they could get all my food in my mouth! Ugh. Someday they’ll learn. Jonathan.   05:33 1987 24 - Summer - Swinging Lunch
I had to burrow under this quilt cause it’s too bright in here! Jonathan.   00:39 1987 25 - Summer - Sleep
Getting around on my own now. Look out world! Jonathan.   01:05 1987 26 - Summer - Crawling
Love my bath. Jonathan.   01:09 1987 27 - Summer - Bath Time
More of my book collection. Jonathan.   04:27 1987 28 - Summer - Book Time
Our trip to Cocoa Beach on the eastern coast of Florida. Fun day, but I threw up some red juice all over my dad. Good thing we were in the water. A wave hit us and he nearly lost his glasses. Luckily, he caught them in mid-air or I would have had to drive home. Jonathan, Carla, Barry.   09:33 1987 29 - Summer - Cocoa Beach
Someone left this bag here. I’ll have to put it away. My work is never done! Jonathan.   03:41 1987 30 - Summer - Bagging It
We’re looking for coupons. Jonathan.   02:11 1987 31 - Summer - Newspaper
Another wresslin’ match. Jonathan, Carla, Barry.   05:13 1987 32 - Summer - Wrestling
Toys and more toys! Jonathan.   09:51 1987 33 - Summer - Toys
That e-Trade dude has nothing on me! Jonathan.   03:07 1987 35 - Summer - Jailbreak
Hmmm, suitcase! Jonathan.   01:43 1987 36 - Summer - Bagging It
Like all my toys? Jonathan.   01:18 1987 37 - Summer - More Toys
Ugh! This big brown bag is the pits. Jonathan.   01:15 1987 38 - Summer - Bean Bag Battle
This box is just what I need to try out my new teeth. Jonathan.   03:25 1987 39 - Summer - Box Bite
Eating while driving! Messy! Jonathan.   02:25 1987 40 - Summer - Walker Snack
Bbb bbb bwbbw! Jonathan, Barry.   00:35 1987 41 - Summer - Baby Babble
Help! I’m a basket case! Jonathan.   01:08 1987 42 - Summer - Basket Case
I can feed myself now! Wahoo! Jonathan.   08:00 1987 43 - Summer - Baby Brunch
Today was my daddy’s last day to work for Martin Marietta Aerospace - Orlando. He got a new job in Cincinnati so we could all be near my Bubbe & Papa and Momma & Boo - Yeahhhh! His friends took him to lunch today at TGI Fridays, and he brought these balloons home just for me.

By the way, his friends also took him on a fishing trip last weekend. They rode a big boat out into the ocean and fished for a couple of hours. They didn’t catch anything, and spent most of their time leaning over the side to throw up. Yuck!
Jonathan. 8/1987 01:14 1987 44 - Summer - Baby Balloons
This is my Bubbe & Papa’s house in Columbus. This is my Aunt Nini, and new friend, Elizabeth played with me. Jonathan, Jeni (Harris) Hirschorn, Elizabeth Piazza. 8/1987 03:17 1987 45 - Summer - Bubbe & Papas
Come on and I’ll show you around my new home in Fairfield. My new favorite place is near my huse - Jungle Jim’s. Jonathan. 9/25/1987 04:23 1987 46 - Fall - Kitchen Hang Out
This is my new park. Weeee! Jonathan, Carla. 9/27/1987 04:19 1987 47 - Fall - At the Park
Dinner then a set of pull ups. Jonathan, Barry.   02:00 1987 48 - Fall - Dad Time
Bustin’ a move with my new dance! Jonathan, Carla, Barry. 10/5/1987 06:32 1987 49 - Fall - Roll It
Gotta straighten this place up! Jonathan. 10/5/1987 02:08 1987 50 - Fall - Busy
My dad’s such a goofball! Jonathan, Barry.   02:13 1987 51 - Fall - The Chase is On
Today I took my very first step. Marching Band, here I come! Jonathan, Carla. 10/29/1987 03:21 1987 52 - Fall - First Steps
In my tux and gotta hurry with dinner so I can get busy with scarin’ those trick or treaters! Jonathan, Carla, Barry. 10/29/1987 10:00 1987 53 - Fall - Dinner Tux for Halloween
Kid fun at the Cincinnati Jewish Center. My mom takes me here to play with other little people. Jonathan, Carla, Marcie Klebanow.   12:55 1987 54 - Fall - Play Class With Marcie
Having some fun with my cousin, Alex Jonathan, Alex Snyder.   01:27 1987 55 - Fall - Alex Pacifier
My first birthday - yay! All my family and friends, and cake too! Boo helps me grab some icing with my fingers. Am I allowed to do that? Jonathan, Carla, Barry, Evelyn Seidman, Annette & Marshall Harris, Wanda & Homan Skaggs, Jeni (Harris) Hirschorn, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder, Ronnie & Barbara White, Ida Marks, Esther & Norman Cohen, Nan & Iz Harris, Betty & Larry Harris, and Marcie & Rossya & Howard Klebanow. 11/8/1987 18:07 1987 56 - Fall - 1st Birthday
Helping my dad with the leaves. Jonathan, Barry. 11/14/1987 03:35 1987 57 - Fall - Leaves
This is one of my dad’s favorite videos. He laughs at this! Jonathan.   08:41 1987 58 - Fall - Hiding
Zzzzzzzz Jonathan, Barry. 12/17/1987 00:48 1987 59 - Fall - Nap
Hanukkah with Bubbe & Papa, Nini, and my friend, Marcie. Also with my Buddy! Jonathan, Carla, Buddy, Annette & Marshall Harris, Jeni (Harris) Hirschorn, and Marcie & Rossya & Howard Klebanow. 12/18/1987 09:09 1987 60 - Winter - Hanukkah
More Hanukkah fun! Jonathan, Carla, Annette & Marshall Harris. 12/18/1987 04:12 1987 61 - Winter - Dinner With Bubbe
No more shoes for me. It’s rings from now on! Jonathan, Marcie & Howard Klebanow. 12/18/1987 01:05 1987 62 - Winter - Ring Boy
My first Christmas. Yights, Yights! Jonathan, Carla, Wanda & Homan Skaggs, Alex, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder. 12/24/1987 01:01:27 1987 63 - Winter - Christmas
My very first haircut. I just wanna read this book, but she keeps messin’ with my hair! Jonathan. 1/9/1988 07:32 1988 02 - Winter - First Haircut
Like my new outfit? Jonathan, Carla.   02:38 1988 03 - Winter - Chilling
Celebrating Valentine’s Day with Marcie Jonathan, Carla, Marcie & Rossya Klebanow. 2/14/1988 00:31 1988 04 - Winter - Sliding With Marcie
Love me some skettie! Jonathan, Carla. 3/11/1988 03:28 1988 05 - Winter - Spaghetti
Counting pennies! Jonathan, Barry. 3/31/1988 03:37 1988 06 - Spring - Banking It
Gotta check in with my office. Jonathan, Wanda.   02:20 1988 07 - Spring - On the Phone With Momma
I name thee Buckethead! Jonathan, Carla, Barry.   11:06 1988 09 - Spring - Buckethead
I can show you Buddy’s eyes, mouth, and nose. These shoes are much too big for me! Jonathan, Carla. 4/26/1988 04:52 1988 10 - Spring - Shoes Shoes
My new turtle sandbox. Jonathan, Barry.   00:19 1988 11 - Spring - Sandbox
More play time with Marcie. Jonathan, Marcie & Rossya Klebanow. 5/5/1988 00:33 1988 12 - Spring - Playing With Marcie
More sandbox fun! Jonathan. 5/9/1988 00:53 1988 13 - Spring - Sandbox
Jonathan the hill climber. Jonathan, Barry. 5/11/1988 00:28 1988 14 - Spring - Backyard Fun
Visiting the park to catch another swing. Jonathan, Carla, Barry. 5/15/1988 13:57 1988 15 - Spring - Swinging
Having ice cream with Mommy & Bubbe. Jonathan, Carla, Annette Harris. 5/15/1988 10:21 1988 16 - Spring - Ice Cream
Memorial Day party with friends. Jonathan, Carla, Tim Decker, Larry, John Weller. 5/28/1988 00:59 1988 17 - Summer - Memorial Day
Swimming in the kiddie pool at the JCC. Jonathan, Carla, Barry. 6/26/1988 09:27 1988 18 - Summer - Swimming
4th of July parade in front of Great-Grandparents Nan & Iz Harris. Got to see Uncle Norman march in the parade with the WWII Veterans. Sitting in the lap of cousin, Karen Harris. Jonathan, Carla, Jeni (Harris) Hirschorn, Evelyn Seidman, Jeff Seidman, Esther & Norman Cohen, Karen Harris, Marshal Harris, Trudi Horkin, Leslie Horkin. 7/4/1988 09:06 1988 19 - Summer - Bexley Parade
Visiting with Cousin Alex, Aunt Sandra, and Uncle Greg. Jonathan, Alex, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder.   04:52 1988 20 - Summer - Sandbox With Alex
Celebrating Cousin Alex’s 1st birthday! This was the day before Alex’s family moved near me in Cincinnati, and Uncle Greg started teaching with Lakota High School. Jonathan, Carla, Alex, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder. 8/6/1988 03:22 1988 21 - Summer - Alex’s First Birthday
More swimming at the JCC. Jonathan, Carla, Barry.   08:30 1988 22 - Summer - Swimming
Corn on the cob - genuis! Jonathan, Carla.   01:34 1988 23 - Summer - Corn on the Cob
My favorite word, No! At least when I say it. Jonathan, Carla.   02:38 1988 24 - Summer - Blocks
Today I’m watching the Olympic diving competition, so I decided to try some flips of my own. Jonathan, Carla. 9/24/1988 03:59 1988 25 - Fall - Olympic Diving
It’s my birthday, it’s my birthday! Got my wagon, a folding chair just my size, a new desk and chairs - complete with a crayon caddy, and a tricycle. I’m good to go! Jonathan, Carla, Jeff Seidman, Annette & Marshall Harris, Wanda & Homan Skaggs, Jeni (Harris) Hirschorn, Marcie & Rossya & Howard Klebanow, Evelyn Seidman, Aaron & Donna Adler, Alex, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder, Kristin. 11/5/1988 32:44 1988 26 - Fall - 2nd Birthday
Today my daddy’s friend, Tim Decker came to our house for a visit. I showed off with my reading. Jonathan, Carla, Tim Decker.   05:09 1988 27 - Fall - Visit With Tim
Christmas number 2! A tractor and a bike for both me and Alex. Like my Jim Tressel vest? Jonathan, Carla, Wanda & Homan Skaggs, Alex, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder. 12/24/1988 45:08 1988 29 - Winter - Christmas
Learning how to play basketball Jonathan. 2/19/1989 03:32 1989 01 - Winter - Basketball
Sit down Daddy! Baby see camer! Jonathan, Carla. 2/27/1989 03:11 1989 02 - Winter - Dinner
More Buckethead and the beginning of Backyard Baseball. Jonathan, Barry. 7/8/1989 05:04 1989 03 - Summer - Buckethead Baseball
Daddy needs to do a better job of pitching. Jonathan, Barry. 7/13/1989 05:42 1989 04 - Summer - Backyard Baseball
Visiting the Zoo - Either Columbus or Cincinnati. I don‘t remember which, Jonathan, Carla. 7/15/1989 06:02 1989 05 - Summer - Zoo
Fantasy Farm was fun. It was located in Middletown, Ohio, and sadly closed in 1992. The goat scene at 8:50 is especially funny. Jonathan, Carla, Barry, Marcie & Rossya & Howard Klebanow. 9/3/1989 13:19 1989 06 - Summer - Fantasy Farm - Goat Scare
We visited the Indianapolis Childrens’ Museum in northern Indianapolis. And it was fun - kinda like COSI. Jonathan, Carla. 9/5/1989 06:58 1989 07 - Summer - Indianapolis Childrens Museum
Learning how to run the bases and Dad’s getting better at hitting my bat with the baseball. Jonathan, Barry. 9/10/1989 06:14 1989 08 - Summer - Backyard Baseball
This is my 3rd birthday at McDonald’s. Lots of games and other fun. Then more birthday fun at home. Music with Bubbe, Papa, and Nini, a new computer THAT TALKS, and a new basketball goal from Momma & Boo. Jonathan, Carla, Rossya & Marcie Klebanow, Nicole Simon, Aaron & Donna Adler, Joey & Marianne Heinrich, Alex, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder, Jeni (Harris) Hirschorn, Annette & Marshall Harris, Wanda & Homan Skaggs. 11/8/1989 39:12 1989 09 - Fall - Birthday
Christmas at Momma & Boo’s. Sledding with Alex on their huge hill. So cold, even the video camera had problems. Jonathan, Carla, Wanda & Homan Skaggs, Alex, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder, Uncle Jimmy Childress. 12/24/1989 01:03:34 1989 10 - Winter - Christmas
This is my Sesame Street game that teaches me how to color, cunt my numbers and read my letters. Jonathan. 1/30/1990 09:46 1990 01 - Winter - Computer Time
Getting ready for bed all by myself. Sayin’ the Shema for bedtime prayers. My bed is on the floor because one night I fell onto the floor, and didn’t know where I was, then crawled under the bed in a panic. That was pretty scary. Jonathan.   08:33 1990 03 - Winter - Bedtime
This is my Momma’s 50th birthday. It was a biggg surprise and held at my Aunt Sandra & Uncle Greg’s house near Cincinnati. My Great Aunt Maime & Uncle Buster were there too with their son Darryll. Alex and me sang the Happy Birthday song! Wanda & Homan Skaggs, Jonathan, Carla, Barry, Alex, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder, Maime & Buster Dutton, Darrell Dutton. Annette & Marshall Harris, Jeni Harris, Ethel & Joe Wilson. 2/24/1990 20:27 1990 04 - Winter - Momma’s 50th Birthday
Boo made me this birdhouse, so I decided to give it a paint job. The mailbox needed painting too, and I decided to use a Cincinnati Bengal scheme. Whadya think? Jonathan, Barry. 3/11/1990 03:21 1990 05 - Winter - Painting Birdhouse and Mailbox
Can’t catch me now! Jonathan, Carla, Barry. 3/14/1990 04:25 1990 06 - Winter - Roller Skating
Magic Jeff sings and all us kids help. Jonathan. 5/6/1990 07:03 1990 07 - Spring - Magic Jeff
My very first kite! Pretty cool, huh? Jonathan, Carla, Barry. 6/8/1990 12:27 1990 08 - Summer - Kite
More fun at the park. Jonathan. 6/8/1990 06:52 1990 09 - Summer - At the Park
King’s Island. The Flintstone bumper cars was my favorite. Jonathan. 6/23/1990 12:14 1990 10 - Summer - Kings Island
Learning how to swim at the JCC. Jonathan, Carla, Barry. 6/29/1990 08:59 1990 11 - Summer - Swimming
More baseball with Daddy! I hit a gran slan!!! Jonathan, Barry. 8/1/1990 07:28 1990 12 - Summer - Backyard Baseball
This is my Bubee’s monkey. Jonathan, Annette Harris. 9/22/1990 04:22 1990 13 - Summer - Monkey Business
Celebrating Daddy’s birthday, but I blowed out the candles. Jonathan, Carla. 9/22/1990 00:14 1990 14 - Fall - Blowing Dad’s Candles
This is my 4th birthday party at Pizza Hut with my friends and family. Jonathan, Carla, Alex, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder, Annette & Marshall Harris, Jeni (Harris) Hirschorn, Wanda & Homan Skaggs, Aaron Adler, Nicole Simon. 11/10/1990 20:13 1990 15 - Fall - Birthday
This drawing board was one of my birthday gifts. Jonathan, Carla.   05:35 1990 16 - Fall - Kitchen Art
Christmas at Mamma & Boo’s, wrestling with cousin, Alex, and my month old new cousin, Adam. Jonathan, Carla, Wanda & Homan Skaggs, Alex, Adam, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder. 12/24/1990 05:35 1990 17 - Winter - Christmas
My Bubbe bought this violin for me. My music teacher is Mr. Bora Angelich, who teaches me at the Toedtman School of Music in Sharonville, Ohio. He played for the Cincinnati Symphony. Here is a nice article about his career - Bora Angelich. Jonathan. 3/20/1991 01:31 1991 01 - Spring - Violin
Look out world - I’ve got wheels! Jonathan, Carla. 5/1/1991 03:30 1991 02 - Spring - Training Wheels
More baseball. This is my Chris Sabo uniform. He wore number 17, and played third base for the Cincinnati Reds.

He lived just a few doors down from our house and I wore my OSU Marching Band outfit for Trick or Treat. Since he played baseball for the university of michigan, he gave me a hard time and laughed. The next year I wore this uniform just for him, but he was busy in Japan, playing for an All-Star baseball team and representing the U.S. His wife loved my uniform though - especially my authentic-looking goggles.
Jonathan, Barry. 5/3/1991 03:42 1991 03 - Spring - Backyard Baseball
This is my violin recital at Mr. Angelich’s school. All my family came to hear me play, and when I finished, my cousin, Alex called out, “That was real good Jonathan!” I thought so too! Jonathan, Carla. 6/23/1991 06:29 1991 04 - Summer - Violin Recital
My Bubbe & Papa took me to Florida to visit Disney World and Universal. While there, we stopped by to visit with Mr. Shatner and Mr. Nimoy. It was fun! Jonathan, Annette & Marshall Harris.   10:23 1991 06 - Summer - Star Trek
I’m getting real good with my swimming. Jonathan.   09:45 1991 07 - Summer - Swimming
This is from our trip to Cumberland Falls, Kentucky. Clue alert - Cumberland Falls and Lake Cumberland are not the same place. They are about 90 miles apart. Who knew? (Not my dad). The extra drive was still worth the view though! Jonathan, Carla, Barry. 9/4/1991 03:01 1991 08 - Summer - Cumberland Falls
It’s tough building your own car. Jonathan. 9/5/1991 00:50 1991 09 - Summer - Woodwork
What a swing! Jonathan, Barry. 10/7/1991 06:29 1991 10 - Fall - Backyard Baseball
This is my 5th birthday at Bubbe & Papa’s house on Erickson! Lots of family members from my great grandparents’ generation. My cousin, Adam is almost a year old. One of my favorite scenes is my great-grandpa, Iz (Isadore), one of the oldest, playing with Adam, the youngest. The football and knight in shining armor was fun too. Jonathan, Carla, Jeni (Harris) Hirschorn, Annette & Marshall Harris, Alex, Adam, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder, Wanda & Homan Skaggs, Katie, Elizabeth, Laura & Sal Piazza, Jeff Seidman, Ben, Nan & Iz Harris, Ida Marks, Norman Cohen, Linda, Riva, Liz & Art Kamlet. 11/9/1991 34:45 1991 11 - Fall - 5th Birthday
Christmas at Momma & Boo’s. I’m wearing my OSU Marching Band Uniform my mom made for me. Jonathan, Carla, Wanda & Homan Skaggs, Alex, Adam, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder. 12/24/1991 27:13 1991 12 - Winter - Christmas
My first Ramp Entrance. My mom made this uniform for me. I’m also wearing my dad’s marching band beret, Papa’s hat and Bubbe’s gloves. Later, my dad bought a real marching hat to go with my uniform. How about that horn flash and arm swing? Jonathan. 1/10/1992 10:03 1992 01 - Winter - Little TBDBITL
This is a lot of work for two seconds of excitement! Jonathan. 1/16/1992 01:01 1992 02 - Winter - Downhill Racer
This is the YMCA tee-ball league. Skills! Jonathan. 7/7/1992 15:17 1992 04 - Summer - Tee Ball
More swimming and diving at the JCC. Jonathan.   05:32 1992 05 - Summer - Swimming

Description Cast of Characters Date Elapsed Time Link
This is my very first karate class - notice no belt yet, have to earn that. A few months earlier, we attended a family convention in downtown Cincinnati at the convention center. I won a contest for a free uniform and ten free lessons with I. K. Kim’s karate school. I was excited because I thought I could be just like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Before class, I was so nervous, I threw up on the porch outside the school. I do that sometimes, but I stuck with it. Jonathan.   09:04 1992 06 - Summer - Karate Class
My first day of school at Fairfield Elementary with me neighbor Ashley. Notice I was the perfect gentleman, and let her go first - oh, wait! Jonathan, Carla, Ashley. 8/5/1992 01:18 1992 07 - Summer - First Day of School
Sixth birthday at Chuck E. Cheese. Chuckie! Chuckie! Chuckie! Jonathan, Carla, Jeni (Harris) Hirschorn, Aaron Adler, Alex Snyder, Wanda & Homan Skaggs, Annette & Marshall Harris. 11/8/1992 16:13 1992 08 - Fall - Birthday
This is one of my karate tests. This day I got promoted from a yellow belt to a green belt Jonathan.   32:02 1993 01 - Spring - Karate Test
Tournament as a green belt. Jonathan.   07:59 1994 01 - Winter - Karate Tournament
My portraits from the time I was born until I was about 8 years old. Jonathan.   02:09 1996 01 - Summer - Portraits
Playing football and fishing at Momma & Boo’s house. This was the day I raced my two cousins, Alex & Adam. We lined up and took off. Adam ran sideways arguing that Alex and I took off too soon, then took off and beat us anyway. He’s fast.

We fished at the pond next door owned by Dave, a friend of Momma & Boo’s.
Jonathan, Alex & Adam Snyder, Homan Skaggs. 8/17/1996 10:59 1996 02 - Summer - Football and Fishing at Mamma & Boos
When we moved from Fairfield to Reynoldsburg in 1995, I switched from Tae Kwon Do to Tang Soo Do, another Korean Martial Art. The school I joined is part of the International Tang Soo Do Federation founded by C. S. Kim (Chuck Norris’ first instructor) of Monroeville, Pennsylvania (just east of Pittsburgh). My dad and I took many trips to the Pittsburgh area for tests and tournaments. This tournament was held in downtown Pittsburgh at the Hilton Hotel. Jonathan.   56:35 1996 03 - Summer - Pittsburgh Tourney - Hilton

Description Cast of Characters Date Elapsed Time Link
This is my karate school near Reynoldsburg. The instructors testing us Sa Bom Nim, Joseph Bruno and Sa Bom Nim, Vernon Noble. My instructor leading us is Mister Chiaverini. I&srquo;m a red belt now, which is typically the last two years before a black belt. Jonathan. 3/22/1997 38:08 1997 01 - Spring - Karate Test
This tournament was his at the University of Pittsburg’s Fitzgerald Field House, where they used to play their basketball games. Jonathan.   03:57 1997 02 - Spring - Pittsburgh Tourney in Fieldhouse
This is the day I receive my Black Belt from C. S. Kim. The location is the headquarters of the International Tang Soo Do Federation in Monroeville, Pennsylvania. Jonathan.   01:22:13 1997 03 - Summer - Black Belt Ceremony
The Columbus Academy Middle School Concert Band (5th grade) under the direction of Lori (Dill) Cohen. I would come to know her better latter in my life as a fellow alum of The OSU Marching Band. Jonathan.   13:15 1997 04 - Fall - 5th Grade Concert
The Columbus Academy Middle School Concert Band (7th and 8th grade).     01:33:55 1998 01 - Spring - Middle School Variety Show
I receive my 2nd Degree Black Belt today. As part of my duties, I lead the class during warmups - by the way, that includes my dad who is a red belt. The instructors conducting the test is Sa Bom Nim, Marcus Murtaugh and Sa Bom Nim, Joe Bruno. Our instructor is Mister Dean. Jonathan. 2/22/1999 46:24 1999 01 - Winter - 2nd Degree Black Belt Certification and Teaching Class
This is a collection of scenes produced by my dad and shown during my Bar Mitzvah party. Jonathan, Carla, Barry, Evelyn Seidman, Annette & Marshall Harris, Wanda & Homan Skaggs, Jeni (Harris) Hirschorn, Sandra (Skaggs) & Greg Snyder, Ronnie & Barbara White, Ida Marks, Esther & Norman Cohen, Nan & Iz Harris, Betty & Larry Harris, Marcie & Rossya & Howard Klebanow, Aaron Adler, Tim Decker, Katie, Elizabeth, Laura & Sal Piazza, Jeff Seidman, Ben, Nan & Iz Harris, Ida Marks, Esther & Norman Cohen, Linda, Riva, Liz & Art Kamlet. 11/8/1999 01:17:43 1999 02 - Fall - Collection of Several for Bar Mitzvah
A collection of photos from Jonathan’s Middle School years at The Columbus Academy. Jonathan.   22:20 2001 02 - Spring - 8th Grade Memories
Middle School graduation from The Columbus Academy. Jonathan.   01:22:36 2001 03 - Spring - Middle School Graduation
Before OSU switched to semesters, The OSU Marching Band’s season began a few weeks before the start of Fall Quarter - ie before the dormitories opened. Each season, Marching band alumni around Columbus host dinner for 1 or 2 rows during the weeks before school starts. Nancy and I hosted the trombone section for four years - both F & Q Rows. That’s 28 hungry young people. They were always very polite and appreciative. This is from 2009. Jonathan, F-Row & Q-Row.   01:53 2009 01 - Summer - F and Q Row Cookout

Description Cast of Characters Date Elapsed Time Link
This is from the football game between The Ohio State University and The Naval Academy, which was won by OSU 31-27.

This was also the Alumni Marching Band day, so I also marched. Everything about this show was to honor The U.S. Navy.

U. S. Marine Corpsman, Astronaut, and former U. S. Senator, John Glenn was the honored guest. He and his wife, Annie dotted the “i” in the west (home side) Script Ohio during halftime. The Skull Session featured not only The OSU Marching Band and the Alumni Band, but also, the band from The U. S. Naval Academy. Pregame also included a flyover by the Naval Precision Flying Team, The Blue Angels.
Jonathan and the rest of The OSU Marching Band. 9/5/2009 22:25 2009 02 - Summer - Navy
This is the Skull Session from the OSU vs USC game, which The Buckeyes lost 15-18. The halftime music was arranged by my former bandmate, Lisa (Cozad) Galvin. The amazing music included Rossini’s The William Tell Overture, The Can Can by Offenbach, and Tchaikovsky’s The 1812 Overture.

Jonathan met some Columbus Academy Alumni outside St Johns Arena after the Skull Session. I didn’t have a ticket for this game, so there’s no halftime show here, but you can find part of the show here. By the way, my brother-in-law, Greg Snyder loaned the equipment to The OSU Band for the fireworks used in the finale.
Jonathan and the rest of The OSU Marching Band. 9/12/2009 31:42 2009 03 - Summer - USC
The Buckeyes beat the Illini 30-0. The halftime show includes Manhattan Transfer’s Birdland, Herbie Hancock’s Chameleon, and Stan Kenton’s version of Malaguena. The guest soloist is OSU Alum, and former member of Stan Kenton’s Big Band, John Harner. Oh, and there’s no halftime for this show because I filmed it with the lens cap on. Doh! Jonathan and the rest of The OSU Marching Band. 9/26/2009 21:15 2009 04 - Fall - Illinois
Wisconsin played OSU this day and suffered a defeat from The Buckeyes 31-13. The halftime show included #Need help with the first song, #and the 2nd song starting at 22:18, one of Jonathan’s and Allison’s favorites, The Four Seasons’ My Girl, followed by Walk Like a Man, and Sherry. The next piece is Abba’s Dancing Queen, and the final piece is Defying Gravity from the Broadway Show, Wicked.

Before the game you can see the Drum Major’s tradition of “Waking The Stadium With The Three Knocks”. You can see Jonathan during The Ramp Entrance at 37:18 and 39:57 during The Script Ohio.

Damon Cockrel was a member of The OSU Drum Major Squad when I was in The Band. He now films the Drum Major during each halftime show. This is so the Drum Major can review each performance. A few years earlier, Damon befriended former OSU Wrestling Coach (1986-2006), Olympic Silver Medalist, and U. S. Team Captain, Russ Hellickson, who allowed Damon to use his 50 yardline seat during each halftime to film each show. Through Damon, Coach Hellickson was kind enough to invite me to join Damon to use his other seat. I was able to film The Marching Band’s halftime shows the rest of the 2009 season from this vantage point.
Jonathan and the rest of The OSU Marching Band. 10/10/2009 01:12:31 2009 05 - Fall - Wisconsin Part 1

2009 05 - Fall - Wisconsin Part 2
The Minnesota Gophers came to town, and left with a 38-7 beat down. The halftime show was a Motown theme including Stop in the Name of Love by The Supremes, Stevie Wonder’s Uptight, Marvin Gaye’s Heard it Through the Grapevine, The Temptations’ My Girl, The Jackson Five’s I’ll Be There, and The Four Tops’ Reach Out, I’ll Be There.

During The Ramp Entrance, you can see Jonathan at 13:29, and the beginning of the halftime show at 24:45 between the 35 & 40 yardline. At 39:10 you can see Director, Jon Waters playing a Sousaphone during Le Regiment and getting “assistance” from other KL Row members.

Around 39:25 you’ll find the postgame team prayers in midfield followed by Carmen Ohio. A postgame Script Ohio completes the video.
Jonathan and the rest of The OSU Marching Band. 10/24/2009 44:30 2009 07 - Fall - Minnesota
On Halloween, New Mexico State suffered a 45-0 loss to te Buckeyes. The Band celebrated with their Halloween Show. You can see Jonathan entering The Skull Session at 2:04. The team enters around 2:45.

Look closely to the left at 6:58 during the F-Horn Cheer, and you will mysteriously see Jonathan carrying a chair - more on that later. At 7:30 listen carefully and you can hear the announcing stating, “Today we’re celebrating the 10th anniversary of Jonathan ‘The Hebrew Hammer’ Skaggs’ Bar Mitzvah”. Four friends lift Jonathan in a chair and rotate while Jonathan and several bandmates play Hava Nagila to the delight of the St. Johns crowd.

At 10:25, you’ll find another treat as Jon Waters is introduced with the rest of The Band staff. He strikes his traditional pose as The Band sings the theme from Superman. This is in recognition of Jon’s rookie name, “Clark” - given to him during his 1st year in The OSU Marching Band because his squad leaders felt he resembled Superman’s alter ego, Clark Kent. The special surprise this time is when he appears wearing the superhero’s cape.

The traditional (since the late 1990s) warmup piece, The Naval Hymn - The Eternal Father begins at 12:40. This piece was arranged by former OSU Marching Band staff member, Sergeant Major John (Ken) McCoy (retired U. S. Army).

The Band Seniors are introduced during Senior Day. Jonathan is introduced at 26:40.

The Halloween themed halftime show, entitled, The Buckeye Zone makes great use of the stadium’s scoreboard as The Band plays music from the theme from Tales of the Crypt. #starting around 30:08, a piece from The Nightmare Before Christmas, music from the shower scene of Hitchcock’s Psycho, a bit of The Twilight Zone intertwined to Hail to the Victors (michigan’s fight song), Michael Jackson’s Thriller (including an awesome dance), and Who ya Gonna Call from Ghostbusters.

You can see Jonathan in The Ramp Entrance at 46:30. Senior Band members are introduced to the stadium during pregame. You can see Jonathan at 55:30.

The halftime show starts in Part 2, and features Wolverine zombies subdued by The OSU Drum Major, the entire band doing the Thriller Dance as the crowd is “Thrilled”, the Ghostbuster emergency vehicle filled with uniformed Busters, lots of mayhem, and ending with a giant “Boo”.
Jonathan and the rest of The OSU Marching Band. 10/31/2009 01:17:26 2009 08 - Fall - New Mexico State Part 1

2009 08 - Fall - New Mexico State Part 2
This is a portion of the concert held at The Mershon Auditorium on The Ohio State University Campus. This concert is typically held during Sunday following the last open weekend before the football team faces “The Team up North”.

The video features the music from the Halloween Show. The performance makes great use of accompanying video, including the openeing scene of OSU Marching Band Alum, former local news anchor, and band announcer, Dave Kaylor in a Leonard Nimoyesq introduction. Once again, Wolverine Zombies attempt to harass the Drum Major - to no avail. A narration by Vincent Price introduces Michael Jackson‘s Thriller - including a repeat of the dance routine. The theme from Ghostbusters closes out this portion of the concert.

At 12:15 the cheer group Stadium Brass is introduced. Stadium Brass consists of a dozen band members who travel around Ohio Stadium during the third quarter of each home football game to play for the fans. Their performance during this concert features a repeat of Hava Nagila with Jonathan being lifted in a chair while he plays his bass trombone. This is in celebration of the 10th anniversay of his Bar Mitzvah.

The video concludes at 13:55 with the baritone cheer group playing their traditional The Chicken Dance with many rookies (can I still say that Dr. Drake?) lining the aisle to perform the requisite Chicken Dance.
Jonathan and the rest of The OSU Marching Band. 11/8/2009 15:22 2009 09 - Fall - Mershon Concert
Jonathan‘s 23rd birthday at his favorite restaurant for such events - Peking Dynasty on Livingston Ave, Bexley. Jonathan, Allison, Jake, Carla, & Clint Springer, Momma & Boo, Bubbe & Pappa, Nancy & Barry. 11/8/2009 00:41 2009 10 - Fall - 23rd Birthday
November 14th and The Iowa Hawkeyes play OSU for the right to represent The Big 10 as conference champion in the Rose Bowl.

The video begins with The OSU Marching Band entering St. Johns Arena for The Skull Session. At 2:20 The Bone Cheer group plays Hey Jude, which they traditionally perform each year for the last home game. If you look closely, you can see other band members clinking their mouth pieces together to accompany the trombones. The rest of the 28 member trombone section join in with the final strain. I love the sound of the bass trombones.

At 4:10 the britone cheer group performs The Can Can while the band rookies dance to the music.

The football team enters at 5:10 with Grove City High School wide receiver Dan Potokar speaking on behalf of the team. Read his story Ohio Cancer Survivor.

The Stadium Brass cheer group prepares to play at 8:30 where you can see Jonathan. The Drum Cheer group plays first followed by The Stadium Brass, who play Our Town.

The The Naval Hymn - The Eternal Father begins at 10:00, followed by pregame, which starts at 14:00.

Pregame in Ohio Stadium begins at 19:45, and halftime at 21:50. The halftime show, pays special tribute to President Abraham Lincoln and the struggles of The Civil War. The Band illustrates conflict with their drill, and a nation divided by north and south that eventually coalesces into a single entity. The show begins with a trumpet herald performed from the stands. The music includes My Old Kentucky Home, other titles will come later. Johnny Comes Marching Home, and concluding with a rousing version of The Battle Hymn of The Republic complete with fireworks.

Scenes of Stadium Brass playing in the stands begins at 32:40. At 34:25 The Stadium Brass plays as Jonathan stands next to his boss, Rhett Ricart of Ricart Automotive Group.

The winning field goal kicked by Devin Barclay in overtime gives The Buckeyes the 27-24 win over Iowa. See the kick and ensuing crazy celebration at 34:30. Hang on Sloopy begins at 35:40 (fastest I&slquo;ve ever heard it played), followed by California Here We Come at 36:55.

It ocurred to me later that this was 3 days short of 30 years when in Michigan‘s stadium, OSU held an 18-15 lead against the wolverines with about 1 minute remaining, and Dr. Droste yelled out, "California". We played the same piece of music in Michigan‘s stadium announcing our trip to the Rose Bowl, where our undefeated team lost a very close, heartbreaking, but well-played game against USC for the National Title (Score was 17-16). What a treat to share the same experience sitting next to Jonathan and the rest of The Band while they played and clutched roses. Jonathan told me later the directors handed out the roses and music, then instructed everyone to hide them inside their uniforms and tell no one until victory was in hand.

Chimes and Carmen Ohio starts at 37:50. What a crowd!
Jonathan and the rest of The OSU Marching Band. 11/14/2009 41:00 2009 11 - Fall - Iowa

Description Cast of Characters Date Elapsed Time Link
This video presents The OSU Marching Band‘s rehearsal held the Thursday before the Michigan game - won by OSU 21-10.

This video begins with an indoor music rehearsal. # need help with titles here.

The outdoor rehearsal begins with the pregame at 3:50, followed by the halftime show at 9:15.

The football team celebrates their seniors preparing for their final regular season game with a ceremony entitled, “Senior Tackle” when each senior is announced to the crowd as they charge toward a tackling dummy. In like manner, The OSU Marching Band celebrates seniors (and 5 year members) preparing for their last regular season game with “The Senior Ramp” They line up in Ramp position, march in place to the cadence, then perform The Buckeye Battle Cry as the rest of the band lines up in a gauntlet to yell and give them encouragement (with just a bit of harassmeent). The 2009 Senior Ramp begins at 15:50 as you will find Assistant Director, Jon Waters hugging and shaking hands with each Senior - including Jonathan at 16:40.

The final scene is a sousaphone member practicing his eventual “i dot”.
Jonathan and the rest of The OSU Marching Band. 11/19/2009 22:01 2009 12 - Fall - Michigan Rehearsal
OSU Graduation Jonathan 12/13/2009 09:45 2009 13 - Fall - OSU Graduation
Researsal before Rose Bowl Trip. The Band prepares for their upcoming Rose Bowl trip inside The Woody Hayes Athletic Center.

Warmups start with The Naval Hymn - The Eternal Father. Additional music starts at 2:40. #need help with title that starts around 3:40. Michael Jackson's Thriller starts at 5:35. Rossini’s The William Tell Overture starts at 8:50. The Battle Hymn of The Republic starts at 11:25

Fullgo rerearsal starts at 12:55 with a redo at 13:25. #need help with name at 13:25 Jonathan's dressed in blue (what's up with that?) and you can see him at 14:10. Marvin Gaye’s Heard it Through the Grapevine at 15:05. The Four Seasosn’ My Girl at 15:55, Michael Jackson’s I’ll Be There at 17:35, The Four Tops’ Reach Out, and I’ll Be There at 19:15.

Pregame rehearsal starts at 20:45 with Le Régiment de Sambre et Meuse and The Double Script Ohio. Jonathan is at 21:30
Jonathan and the rest of The OSU Marching Band. 1/1/2010 23:12 2010 01 - Winter - Rose Bowl Rehearsal
The 2010 begins with a visit by The Marshall University Thundering Herd, which OSU won 45-7.

The is the first game that both Jonathan and I marched as alums of The Ohio State University Marching Band. The video starts with pregame as the team enters the stadium. Various plays follw - mostly failed passes as you can hear the crowd moan. Haltime starts with the Varsity Band at 2:30. John Tagenhorst’s arrangement of Hang on Sloopy (The McCoys) starts at 3:50.
Jonathan and the rest of The OSU Marching Band. 9/2/2010 05:17 2010 02 - Fall - Marshall - TBDBITL Alumni

Description Cast of Characters Date Elapsed Time Link
A celebration of OSU‘s Football National Championship Season. Barry, 225 band memebers, and 45,000 other friends. 1/24/2015 35:27 2015 01 Winter - National Championship Celebration

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